The bleeding, she has stopped

Well for now anyway. As you can probably tell, I've not been around here much of late -- I went back into hospital on Tuesday afternoon to get a chunk of my surgery re-done, and I been there ever since. But I'm home today. Hurrah. But still feeling like shite. Not hurrah. Ah yes, Lynn may be stoic and manly, I am a big sweaty, aching, shivering girl's blouse called 'Florence'.

On the plus side it's been good for loosing weight. I've not eaten since last Friday -- due to a nasty, ulcerated throat -- so the pounds are just melting away. On the less that plus side I think these last four day qualify as the worst of my entire life. And I think it's always nice to have that as a benchmark.

Number of new words written this week: bugger all!

God, it just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?