Huzzah, hoorah, and other words beginning with ‘H’…

The first draft of book 2 is now COMPLETE! Bwahahahahahahahahaaaa… Cue dancing about the study with idiot expression and cat.

As I’m a paranoid monkey I’ve taken one copy off to Zip drive, burned another onto to CD and intend to hide it where not even Indiana Jones could find the thing. Thieving bugger that he is. Now all I need to do is write the synopsis (tomorrow) and away it goes into the ether, awaiting feedback from Mr Phil, before inflicting it on the good people at HC.

So tonight: we celebrate! Bottle of fizzy wine and a nice steak, as is dictated by tradition. The only time I’ve not done this was way back when I wrote my first book and was just too damn poor. Mind you, you couldn’t get lovely Australian fizz for the price of a packet of biscuits then either.

Everyone else: I hereby give you the rest of the weekend off. Enjoy it and I’ll see you back here Monday.

Now if only I had a name for the damn thing…